Austin Manchester Contemporary US Artist

Watercolour Art

My passion is experimenting with various techniques and styles to create expressive paintings that capture the beauty of nature, animals, landscapes, and more. I use only the highest quality materials and tools to bring my vision to life.
Most of my artwork is based on my personal experiences and imagination from my travels around the world. Each piece is priced at $1000 and is a one-of-a-kind original.
Take a moment to browse through my watercolor collection and I hope that you find a piece that speaks to you.
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Original Oil Paintings

Immerse in the Beauty of the Natural World through Austin Manchester's artistic process which involves a constant back-and-forth of adding and removing layers of colour until the painting evokes a sense of life.
His oil paintings have been showcased in both America and Europe. He masterfully incorporates shapes, and colours from the natural world to create a raw sense of our existential beings.
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Oil Paintings Nature

Artists around the world have always found inspiration in nature, and Manchester is no different. Explore the latest works by the artist, which showcase the beauty and complexity of the natural world. From the vastness of the ocean to the intricacy of a single leaf, these pieces capture the essence of nature's wonders.
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Simpatico Exhibition

The Charleston gallery exhibit was an opportunity to share my art with collectors and art enthusiasts.

The gallery itself was a beautiful space, with high ceilings and large windows that let in plenty of natural light. The staff were friendly and helpful, and they did an excellent job of curating the exhibit.

One of the highlights of the exhibit was seeing how people reacted to my work. It was fascinating to watch as people moved from piece to piece, taking in the colours, shapes, and textures. Some people lingered for a long time in front of certain pieces, while others breezed through quickly. Everyone seemed to have their own favourites, which was both gratifying and Inspiring.

Overall, the Charleston gallery exhibit was a huge success. It was a chance to showcase my art in a beautiful space. I'm looking forward to the next exhibit, which will continue to inspire uplift and resonate beauty. Stay tuned for updates!